Friday, June 6, 2014


Hey guys,

for this photoshoot I was taking inspiration from this year's fashion week make up and Vienna's Life Ball theme "Garten der Lüste" (garden of earthly delights). Pastel eyes, graphic liner elements, intense lips and flowers in the model's hair, paired with the all-white current fashion trend. Oui oui, c'est trendy trendy :p Hope you enjoy!
left: re-touched, right: un-retouched close up
left: prettified, right: au naturale
left: photshopped, right: not photoshopped 
close up
right: treated left: untreated
Photographer: Jürgen Knoth
Model: Tyna from Body & Soul

Au revoir,
Heidi xxx


  1. very trendy indeed! and very well done! i love the yellow eyes! although you don't seem to lack inspiration, how about statement cheeks? i would like that very much, blush, blush, blush!

  2. First comment! Yay! Danke Loreen :)
    More blush sounds great. Will do a blush look just for you ;) xxx
