Thursday, June 19, 2014


Hello fellow make up lovers,

today is a holiday in Austria - Frohnleichnahm in case you're interested, 'happy corpse day' is what I call it :p I honestly have no idea what happened on that day and why they give us the day off, but based on the name I reckon it's got something to do with Jesus' dead body... I should google this one day, been wondering for years... 

Aaanyways guys, bottom line is, I had time today. Yes, TIME; I was sleeping in, did the dishes, checked the news (and Daily Mail oops :), and when the weather was still kinda so so I decided to start getting organized. Lipstick wise that is. 

If you own more than say... 30 lipsticks you know that at some point you kinda loose track of what you own and tend to just grab one of your 10 go-to ones, while the other 20+ lipsticks rarely see the light of day. Guilty, anyone? :) So knowing what you own is always a good thing. For me, since I am building up my make up kit at the moment, having an overview of what I have and still need to buy to cover all lipstick colors for all skin types is crucial (like life and death crucial hahaha). 

So since I swatched all my lip products and took photos anyways I thought I could just post them here as well. All lipsticks are grouped by color (kinda...), except MAC lipsticks that are all swatched together. Fluid lipsticks, lip pens and lip liners got swatched separately. Photos were taken in natural day light without direct sun, and with flash. Enjoy ;)

Heidi xxx

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