Hey guys,
Wiener Magazin with our beach fashion spread 'SONNENANBETER' (sun worshippers) that was shot a few weeks ago at Wörthersee finally came out last week. Here are the final pictures!
And this is the final layout for the magazine :)
Photographer: Jürgen Knoth
Photography assistants: George Kaulfersch, Francisco Falcao
Artdirector: Nina Ullrich
Produktion: Thomas Trimmel, Heike Harzer
Hair & Make up: Jody Cuberli @ perfectprops
Styling: Angelika Königseder
Models: Anett, Dave, Stanislav @ body&soul, Miguel @ WienerModels
Location: Badehaus at Hotel Werzer in Pörtschach/Wörthersee
Hope you enjoy :)
Heidi xxx